October is my favorite time of year. I love Halloween, so much in fact that some of our decorations have a place in my home year round.
October is also breast cancer awareness month. Pink ribbon merchandise abounds in just about every public place. I was in Sam's Club last weekend and there were pink ribbons on everything from toilet paper to potato chips. It's nice to see what started out as a simple idea blossom into national awareness over the years. Even my horses have pink ribbon flymasks. Part of the purchase price went to a worthy cause, and they can help support it, even if they are geldings.
I came across something that, while not animal related, is so darned cool that I have to mention it here. Team Pinkeye Project is a group of indie makeup and other sellers along with beauty bloggers that are raising money for worthy causes, the one in October, of course, is for breast cancer awareness. You can read about them on FaceBook here and the blog is here.
I like to support indie companies and worthy causes, so I'm really pleased about this. These are an awesome group of people who have devoted their time and efforts for a worthy cause. Check them out.
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